April 16, 2020
- Application timing
– Application at 5% flowering recommended as it consistently increases yield
– Application at 10 nodes/mid July largely failed to increase yield - Rate
– 30L/ha is the recommended rate as over the 7 years of trial data it consistently increased yield
– 45L/ha is not recommended as it generally did not increase yield above what was achieved with 30L/ha
– 20L/ha is not recommended as it did not consistently increase yield - Yield impact
– Yields increased by 0.2 - 0.4 t/ha - Economics
– Across 7 years of trials $140/ha Net Return with Chickpeas @ $600/t OR $5 return for every $1 spent - Take home message – 30L/ha rate applied at 5% flowering is the best bet to increase yield and achieve a good
return on investment