August 13, 2014

The Grains Research and Development Cor­poration (GRDC) is help­ing secure the future of young researchers in the northern industry with the presentation of a new career enhancement award.

GRDC Northern Panel member Keith Harris, Windy Station, Quirindi, presented the inaugural GRDC Future Research Leader Award to New South Wales-based Mat­thew Gardner at last week’s GRDC Grains Research Update at Spring Ridge.

GRDC Northern Panel chair James Clark said the work of young research­ers was crucial to the future productivity of the grains industry and the development of effective solutions to agronomic, crop nutrition and soil nutrition challenges in the longer term.

“Awards like this pave the way for a bright future for our north­ern grains industry by encouraging young and progressive professionals like Matt to continue in the industry and drive important farm-based research work,” Mr Clark said.

“As an industry, it is extremely important that we invest in young researchers. This will ensure that we continue to produce globally
renowned research and development outcomes that help boost plant pro­duction, yield potential and crop profitability in the northern region.

“Researchers like Matt are a key part of that strategy – not only has he played a valuable role in research projects during his career, he has also been involved in the extension side of the research delivering infor­mation to agronomists and growers.

“Matt is a very deserv­ing recipient of this award and we congratu­late him on his achieve­ment in and dedication to our northern grains industry.”
During his career, Mr Gardner has been involved in a range of innovative research projects focussed on crop nutrition and agronomy, including sorghum nitrogen nutrition, dual-purpose cropping options, and the GRDC’s variety specific agronomy project (VSAP).

The VSAP project addresses a wide spec­trum of agronomic areas including Plant Growth Regulators and lodging management, delayed harvest, nitrogen man­agement in barley, wheat Nitrogen Use Efficiency and time of sowing new varieties


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